Renaissance Studio, Ltd.
Projects & Franchise Profiles
RSL Screenplay Summaries
Below you will find links to brief summaries of the 16 sensational RSL screenplays.
Content Overview
Unlike other studios, production companies and the streamers, RSL does not compete with everyone else to acquire content from the agencies or other "usual suspect" "known sources" that result in films that fail to excite adults and investors over 90% of the time.
RSL has created effective concept/content evaluation metrics and audience focused screenwriting methodologies that skillfully match a diversity of compelling resonance elements with the viewing preferences of most global adults to insure strong and consistent cinematic and financial success.
RSL has employed its advanced metrics and methodologies to create an initial inventory of 16 sensational theatrical screenplays that are designed to launch up to 10 major film franchise scenarios. These same scripts can be adapted and produced as 40+ one hour episodes to match streaming preferences. All these projects have strong further sequel potential and additional franchise scenarios are in development to make the RSL value proposition sustainable.
These awe inspiring scenarios have been skillfully created to compare very favorably to anything in theaters or on the streamers. They are designed to target all adults but especially the 85%+ of adults who are not inspired by the endless poor concepts, shallow story telling, one dimensional characters and gratuitous/repetitive action, violence, depravity, horror, narrow focus "indies", sci-fi, animation, crude humor, super heroes and CGI extravaganzas that dominate modern cinema.
The cost effective RSL screenplays and franchises represent an exciting content foundation for a new movie studio with much higher IRR potential than "Marvel" projects. The RSL projects generally have production budgets below $35 million with global revenue potential between $200 million and $2+ billion per film.
Please visit the "Metrics" webpage on this site for more information about the RSL metrics and methodologies.
Franchise Profiles
The 16 RSL screenplays are designed to launch up to 10 sensational film franchises that compare very favorably to anything in global theaters or on the streamers. They represent a core film franchise project inventory that is far superior to the major studios, Netflix, Amazon and the others streamers because they skillfully target the preferences of the over 85% adults that are ignored by Hollywood with 1) much larger and more exciting concept scopes and 2) a much greater diversity of compelling resonance elements.
The 10 franchises are color coded on the screenplay buttons above. There are some crossover screenplays between more than one film franchise similar to the way the Marvel franchises often overlap each other.
All the RSL screenplays were written to launch sustainable film franchises or as sequels to existing RSL film franchises. Below is a summary of the 10 RSL film franchise profiles:
1. Arielle Denovo
5 scripts are written - 3 are crossovers with Donahue
A fully written pentology that launches the ultimate, multidimensional, young adult female "super hero" protagonist who uses her sensational mind and a mastery of artistry in all major dimensions to help the world to avoid impending calamities and unleash a new era of common sense unity and prosperity that benefits everyone. She engages in terrifyingly plausible real world scenarios rather than the pure contrivances that dominate these genres.
2. Michelle Burns
3 scripts are written - 1 is a crossover with Katya Sharinsky
A fully written trilogy that launches a fascinating female "James Bond" type character who resolves terrifyingly plausible real wold scenarios rather than the shallow contrivances that dominate the Bond films.
3. Geoff Donahue
4 scripts are written - 3 are crossovers with Arielle Denovo
An exciting male and female clandestine team engage in terrifyingly plausible real world scenarios that make James Bond, Ethan Hunt and Jason Bourne look irrelevant by comparison.
4. Katya Sharinsky
2 scripts are written - 1 is a crossover with Michelle Burns
A wealthy American guy and a sensational Soviet Olympic skating champion discover a love that transcends the madness of the Cold War and its dangerous aftermath. It is the ultimate cross adversarial culture, love conquers all story in a "Dances With Wolves"/ "Avatar" type scenario set in the late USSR.
5. Jonathan Powell
1 script is written
"Lifestyles of the rich and famous" meets "Pretty Woman" and an ISIS type organization that is terrorizing and extorting the most wealthy family on earth as a means to resurrect their reign of terror.
6. Michael
1 script is written
A Christ like figure appears in the modern world on a mission to save humanity from itself.
7. Doug Winslow
1 script is written
A 9/11 twin towers survivor become a war hero with PTSD caught in the web of a ruthless criminal mastermind who is above the law.
8. Don Treadwell
1 script is written
An Afghanistan war hero becomes the target of the corrupt military industrial complex and responds by teaming with an aging clandestine warrior and a fearless and resourceful young Afghan girl to trigger an American reformation.
9. Monique Dubois
1 script is written
A Riviera nightclub singer kills a bad cop and members of a ruthless Mediterranean crime family in self defense and must take them all down to survive.
10. Marie Rouseau
1 script is written
A beautiful and brilliant French detective squares off against modern Gabriel who is on a mission to deliver a terrifying warning to humanity as it spins toward a nuclear holocaust.
Content Summary
If you invest 2 hours to read the screenplay for "America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") , all your doubts about these assertions and the quality of the RSL content inventory will dissolve into enthusiasm.
A2A is your very real chance to earn extreme wealth and accolades by 1) helping to produce the most consequential and diversely entertaining motion picture ever conceived, 2) produce its 4 awe inspiring sequels and 3) launch the other 9 RSL film franchises that compare very favorably to anything in theaters or on the streamers to 4) create a $5+ billion IPO windfall in year 5.
This superior film franchise inventory represent a highly plausible opportunity to follow the Netflix path from $3 billion in market cap in 2012 to above $250 billion in early 2021.
All 16 RSL scripts are available for review upon request.