Renaissance Studio, Ltd.
Investment Profile
Renaissance Studio, Ltd.
RSL Overview
Renaissance Studio, Ltd. (“RSL”) is an emergent movie studio that has invested almost a decade in a comprehensive analysis of the motion picture industry and the development of the means to exploit its extreme dysfunction and the irrationality of its public equity markets to deliver a risk adjusted Alpha that dwarfs other investment scenarios.
Movie Investment Perception vs Reality
The Movie Investment Perception
Motion pictures have a poor reputation in the investment realm because 85%+ of movie projects lose money for production equity.
The Movie Investment Reality
Investing in individual movies is a mistake over 90% of the time because the industry wide culture and business practices systematically ignore the viewing preferences of over 85% of adults. However, the motion picture industry offers risk adjusted Alpha opportunities that dwarf other investment alternatives through prescient movie market and public equity market exploitation.
Let's look deeper!
The Movie Markets
The only limitation on movie demand is the availability of compelling movie content that inspires people to view.
Movie demand has never been higher as people search for home entertainment options during Covid.
The quality of movie supply has never been worse as everyone in the movie industry competes with each other to acquire uninspiring content from the same depleted agency and other “known sources” of content that disappoint adult audiences over 85% of the time.
MPA statistics show that the average adult saw only 3 of the 835 movies that were released into theaters in USA/Canada in 2019. This was not a movie demand issue. It was a quality of exciting movie supply problem because Hollywood systematically ignores the viewing preferences of 85%+ of adults.
In truth, Hollywood produces the films it wants to make, not the movies that most adults want to see. This assertion is validated by the MPA statistics and everyone’s personal frustration with movies.
The enormous disconnect between movie product features and adult consumer preferences is a huge wealth exploitation opportunity for anyone who can create compelling move concepts and content that most adults want to view.
The Public Equity Markets
The market cap of Netflix rose from $3 billion in 2012 to $400 billion in late 2024 with price/earnings multiples in the 40x to 300x range along the way. These irrational valuation metrics represent another huge wealth exploitation opportunity for anyone who can project a compelling IPO profile in the movie industry.
Renaissance Studio, LTD. (“RSL”)
RSL was created to launch a new movie studio that can exploit 1) the huge latent demand for compelling movie content and 2) the irrationality of public equity market valuation metrics to deliver a risk adjusted Alpha to prescient investors that dwarfs other investment alternatives. To accomplish this goal, RSL has developed:
RSL was created to relieve the pervasive frustration of movie goers by producing sensational movies that will attract the 85%+ of adults who are not inspired by the shallow story telling, one dimensional characters and gratuitous action, violence, depravity, horror, crude humor, narrow scope "indies", animation, Sci-fi, super heroes and computer generated effects extravaganzas that dominate modern cinema.
RSL will produce awe inspiring and thought provoking movies that engage audiences with a diversity of emotional, intellectual, visceral, sensual, artistic, romantic, life relevant, humor, intimate, poignant, visual and audio and 24 other key resonance elements that dwell outside the gratuitous Hollywood realm.
The RSL mission is to make movies everyone wants to see and that resonate in their minds long after they are viewed.
Please review the "Leadership" summary on the "About" page before reading below.
Why Invest in RSL?
The content on this website and in the imbedded link summaries and videos make a compelling case for investment in RSL. This assertion can be confirmed by evaluating the RSL business model, business plan and all 16 of the exciting RSL screenplays, 10 film franchise profiles and the supporting metrics and methodologies.
However, RSL is not yet funded because it is a start up movie studio venture with no successful production track record in an industry that loses money on 80%+ of the products it produces.
Please consider the offsets to this concern as follows:
- The film industry has a awful earnings track record but offers risk adjusted Alpha opportunities that dwarf other options.
- Netflix has demonstrated that the public equity markets will offer 40x to 300x price/earning ratios in the film industry.
- The film industry is systematically ignoring the preferences of 85%+ of adults. This is a huge exploitation opportunity.
- The only limitation on movie product demand is the supply of quality movies. There is a major quality supply shortage.
- The demand for quality movies has never been higher as people seek entertainment options at home during Covid.
- The movie industry has a poor earnings track record because it employs ineffective content creation methodologies.
- RSL has developed the content evaluation and screenwriting methodologies to create the movies most adults want to see.
- RSL owns 16 exciting scripts that will launch 10 major film franchises that are superior to anything in the film markets.
- A read of the RSL scripts will confirm their obvious superiority to anything in theaters or on the streamers.
- RSL is focused on matching adult audience preferences rather movie industry whims and cultural expectations.
- RSL writes all its scripts to match adult preferences rather than compete with everyone else to acquire poor content.
- Only RSL can offer investors a clear path to converting $50 million into an enormous Netflix market cap end game.
- A full understanding of the RSL value proposition will reveal a risk adjusted Alpha profile that dwarfs other options.
- RSL does not possess a lengthy resume of positive or negative earnings results but it has not lost money for anyone.
- Almost everyone in the film industry has lost money for production equity based on their career to date performance.
Why would anyone trust movie industry "experts" who 1) approved the 835 films that reached theaters in USA/Canada in 2019 when adults chose to view only three of the films on average and 2) lose money for equity investors over 80% of the time?
This EPIC FAILURE is an indictment of the defective content creation culture and business practices of the movie industry and not a reason to dismiss visionary movie investment scenarios that are grounded in logic, reason, common sense and profound intrinsic, cinematic, business, financial and investment merit.
In truth, the quality of the movie concept and content are 85%+ of the film success determination equation.
In truth, there are 100s of people who can be contracted to convert a great script into a great movie with strong production values. There is no one in the movie industry who can convert a poor screenplay concept/content into a financially successful movie.
In truth, the skillsets to produce a movie are very different than the ability to write screenplays that skillfully match a diversity of compelling resonance elements with the viewing preferences of global adults. Hollywood makes the chronic mistake of relying on filmmakers to correctly assess global market acceptance. This flawed practice is the reason that over 80% of movies fail to recover their costs.
In truth, the content creation madness of the movie industry is a huge opportunity for exploitation by anyone who can create the movies that adults want to see. RSL will exploit this opportunity by making movies everyone wants to see.
Does it not make much more sense to trust a career risk and capital markets analyst who 1) has carefully analyzed every major dimension and risk/success factor in the motion picture industry for over a decade, 2) who has also written 16 sensational screenplays that will launch up to 10 major film franchise scenarios and 3) will be laser focused on managing risks, maximizing adult audience acceptance and delivering an extraordinary IRR to prescient capital partners?
All 16 of the RSL screenplays and franchise profiles are available for review to confirm that they are far superior to anything in theaters or on the streamers. This level of due diligence is necessary to create the comfort to invest in the RSL venture and unlock the opportunity to convert $50 million into a $5+ billion IPO windfall in year 5 with almost unlimited further market cap growth potential by following the Netflix path into the streaming markets.
RSL offers a very real and highly plausible strategy to earning an extraordinary risk adjusted Alpha by following the Netflix path from $3 billion in market cap in 2012 to $400 billion in late 2024.
The Netflix investor universe understands that the Netflix hyper-Alpha play has exhausted itself. They are likely watching for the next hyper-Alpha play to emerge from the movie industry. RSL is designed to attract their investment enthusiasm.
By year 5, RSL will have launched 10 major film franchise scenarios that are objectively superior to anything on Netflix and will offer a far superior hyper-Alpha opportunity to public equity investors.
In truth, RSL has created all the elements to reach its goals if prescient capital partners who are willing to invest the time to understand the RSL value proposition can be found.
If you invest 2 hours to read the screenplay for "America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") , all your doubts about these assertions will dissolve into enthusiasm.
A2A is your very real chance to earn extreme wealth and accolades by 1) helping to produce the most consequential and diversely entertaining motion picture ever conceived, 2) produce its 4 awe inspiring sequels and 3) launch the other 9 RSL film franchises that compare very favorably to anything in theaters or on the streamers to 4) create a $5+ billion IPO windfall in year 5.
This superior film franchise inventory represent a highly plausible opportunity to follow the Netflix path from $3 billion in market cap in 2012 to $400 billion in late 2024.
The Netflix Template
The chart above tracks the Netflix market cap history as a point of reference. The Netflix market cap rose from $3 billion in 2012 to above $400 billion in late 2024. Despite its market cap success, Netflix is vulnerable and cannot hope to replicate its ROI success of the past:
- Netflix can no longer offer a realistic hyper-alpha play to investors because of its huge market cap near $400 billion.
- The market cap rise is impressive until you consider that its above 280 million subscribers are only 3% of global adults.
- Netflix is severely content constrained because it competes with everyone else for uninspiring "known source" content.
- Netflix is spending over $17 billion each year to acquire content that very few adults want to see.
- Over 90% of the content on Netflix is unwatchable for 90%+ of adults. This is the "Achilles heal" of Netflix.
- Strong competitors are emerging and often rely on ad revenue rather than subscriptions.
- Covid is receded. This, poor content offerings and stronger competition may suppress further subscription growth.
All of the above factors will likely suppress growth in Netflix market cap but represent exploitation opportunities for RSL.
The RSL Investment Strategy
The Netflix hyper-alpha investor universe understands that Netflix cannot deliver another 133x+ increase in market cap over the next 10 years. Therefore, these sophisticated investors are watching for the next hyper-alpha opportunity to emerge from the motion picture industry.
The RSL goal is to enter the theatrical markets and later follow the Netflix path into the streaming and public equity markets to position prescient capital partners to enjoy an Alpha windfall that dwarfs other investment scenarios.
RSL is designed to present them a hyper-Alpha opportunity that is grounded in much better content evaluation metrics, screenwriting methodologies and a far superior 10 film franchise core than Netflix. The strategy is as follows:
1) Raise $15 million of venture equity to launch "America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") into production.
2) Produce and globally distribute A2A which has a $50 million budget and obvious revenue potential above $1 billion.
3) Return the $50 million to investors by month 30 from A2A profits to eliminate primary equity risk.
4) Invest the retained profits from A2A to produce its 4 sequels and launch the 9 RSL film franchises over 4 years.
5) Establish the 10 franchises and a strong earnings track record to project a $5+ billion IPO profile in year 5.
6) Use retained earnings and IPO proceeds to follow the Netflix path into the streaming markets with superior content.
The end goal is to attract the Netflix hyper-Alpha investors to RSL to position shareholders for Netflix level market cap results. This may sound improbable but the Netflix market cap history has confirmed its plausibility. If RSL only reaches 10% of the current market cap, RSL investors will have converted $50 million into above $20 billion.
Full professional due diligence on RSL will further confirm all of the RSL assertions and the plausibility of exceeding all of these goals if prescient venture capital partners emerge to help convert the RSL vision into a sensational reality.