Who am I and why should you care about anything I think or say?
I have no partisan or ideological affiliations to cloud my judgment or objectivity. I am a concerned American and a 3 decade veteran of the capital markets and a long term analyst of history, politics, religion, geopolitics, cultures, human nature, screenwriting, motion pictures, psychology, philosophy, sociology, business, government, markets, marketing, media, advertising, economics, risk, finance, technology, business, analytics, industries, education, metrics/methodologies, venture capital, the capital markets and how all these elements interact with each other over time.
As a very well informed career analyst, I am gravely concerned that our deeply divided America is on a fast track to political, geopolitical, leadership, government, economic, fiscal, judicial, military, social, racial, law enforcement, education, immigration, inflation, interest rate, energy, censorship, national security, foreign policy, cyber, media, crime, renewed terrorism, constitutional and capital market calamities that will adversely affect all Americans and the human race.
No, this is not a partisan assertion, these are objective truths that we all ignore at our extreme peril. Anyone who doubts the validity of these assertions in engaging in willful ignorance, partisan duplicity and/or reckless acquiescence to our failing American and global status quo.
American Reality Check
Decades of shameful duplicity by the self-serving cabal of the corrupt politicians, the media and the corporate elites have recklessly divided America against itself to their wealth and power benefit at the expense of everyone else. This partisan madness has caused the USA to be limited to only about 25% of its economic, wealth and prosperity potential while allowing the major calamities I described above to unfold to the extreme detriment of everyone.
In the 2020 elections, the corrupt corporate oligarchy, media and Washington political elites succeeded in their goal of dividing America against itself and manipulating the media and the electoral process to elect a senile, incompetent and corrupt President to do their bidding. If you doubt this assertion, please refute the following truths:
It should not be partisan issue to point out objective facts about our corrupt and deeply flawed electoral process that produced a President with obvious cognitive dysfunction, major competence/judgment deficiencies and a clear track record of corruption.
Objective observations are not partisan accusations. They are an attempt to have a rational dialog about very important issues that is grounded in rational thinking, objective facts, logic, reason and common sense rather than mindless or duplicitous partisan mindsets and/or agendas.
Since taking office, this President has engaged in actions and inactions that have supercharged the process of unleashing all of the calamities I described above while emboldening all of the USA's global adversaries to exploit his dysfunction. He could hardly do more damage if his goal was to unleash these calamities.
Pointing out the obvious truth that Joe Biden is a national disaster in all major dimensions is and objective reality that has EXACTLY NOTHING to do with Trump who is in our past! It is an indictment of the EPIC FAILURE of our political system that allowed this senile, corrupt, incompetent to ever become president and unleash calamities that adversely affect all Americans. Is Biden really the best candidate that the Democrat Party could offer???
No these are not partisan assertions!!! My only partisan agenda is to end partisanship.
The above realities are objective truths to anyone who is not locked into a blind partisan mindset. These truths highlight the vital need to pursue a common sense American reformation that ends the partisan madness and the tyranny of the political, media and corporate elites that are turning America into a corrupt oligarchy that would make Putin envious.
The severity of the unfolding calamities have made an American reformation an urgent national necessity. All Americans should join in common cause to end the tyranny of the elites to avoid these major impending calamities and unleash a new era of common sense unity that will supercharge the free enterprise economy to dramatically elevate the prosperity of everyone.
No, this is not alarmism, it is our very dangerous reality and to imagine otherwise is to engage in dangerous self delusion and/or wishful thinking. All the crazed and self serving hyper partisans need to be removed from power and relegated to the dust bin of history while the rest of us free ourselves from the tyranny of the political, media and billionaire elites to unite around the common good to solve the major problems we all face together and supercharge the American and global economies to elevate the prosperity of everyone.
No this is not hopeless idealism. I make these assertions as a career capital markets analyst who has been tracking all of these factors through multiple political, geopolitical, economic, industry and capital markets cycles since 1985.
America 2.0
Everyone believes that our failing partisan and geopolitical status quo cannot be reformed so they blindly acquiesce to the major calamities as they unfold. The America 2.0 Foundation ("A2F") was created as a non-partisan entity to develop and articulate a compelling agenda for an American reformation that will end the partisan and geopolitical madness to avoid the impending calamities and unleash a new era of common sense unity, innovation and prosperity that will benefit everyone.
It is self evident that the major calamities will not be avoided by our corrupt and self serving elites and Americans will never be free to reach their full life and prosperity potential absent a major reformation of the tyranny of our failing status quo.
The compelling America 2.0 agenda for an American and global reformation is complete but the elites control the political, media and education systems to suppress dissemination of the reformation agenda to huge numbers of voters and global citizens to inspire them to embrace and demand its implementation.
Regardless of its intrinsic merit, the America 2.0 agenda would be forcefully resisted by all the corrupt and self serving elites who want to preserve the failing status quo for their benefit at the expense of everyone else.
Anyone who rises to forcefully challenge the obviously corrupt and failing status quo is painted as partisan, ignorant or crazy. The elites would rally all their wealth, media and political resources to defeat any attempt to reform the corrupt status quo that engages in the buying and selling of political outcomes at the expense of the common good.
So what can be done to convert the America 2.0 vision into a sensational reality that benefits everyone?
Renaissance Studio, Ltd.
RSL is an emergent movie studio that you can explore by visiting the other pages and links of this website.
RSL was conceived as the necessary vehicle to use entertaining motion pictures to bypass the corrupt elites to 1) deliver a hard reality check on the very serious problems that all humans face together and 2) reveal the America 2.0 agenda to huge global audiences. The goal is to compelling cinema to ignite an American and global reformation that will benefit all of humanity.
RSL has created the visionary screenplay for "America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") as the cinematic means to accomplish these goals. A2A is the most consequential and diversely entertaining motion picture ever conceived. It is the launch vehicle for an American and global reformation that will end the partisan and geopolitical madness to avoid the impending calamities and unleash a new era of common sense unity and prosperity that will benefit everyone.
I have no partisan mindset or agenda. I loathe both political parties that are nothing more than devices for buying and selling political outcomes by the corrupt political, media and wealthy elites to the detriment of everyone but themselves. So I can be objective about the realities of the major calamities that are being unleashed by the corruption of our self serving elites and our senile and incompetent president. These are objective facts, logic, reason and common sense that you cannot refute with partisan mindsets or emotions.
My views and the America 2.0 agenda are the worst nightmare of all the corrupt hyper-partisans because I advocate using Article 5 of the constitution to 1) relegate their destructive duplicity to the waste bin of history and 2) free ourselves from the tyranny of the political, media and billionaire elites to unite around the common good to solve the major problems we all face together and supercharge the American and global economies to elevate the prosperity of everyone.
America 2.0 and A2A are not hopeless idealism. They are the means to achieve a common sense American and global reformation that will benefit everyone in search of visionary leaders and prescient capital partners to make it a reality.
The "America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") screenplay reveals all the key elements of the America 2.0 agenda for an American and global reformation that will benefit all of humanity.
Important Note:
I could reveal all the compelling details of the America 2.0 agenda here but the agenda is meaningless without a realistic means to reveal it to hundreds of millions of people through A2A to inspire them to rise to help make America 2.0 a historic reality that benefits everyone.
All the potential leaders in the current political realm and society are colored by partisan identities so they cannot lead an American reformation that will end partisanship. The only possible source of such a leader is in the fictional realm of motion pictures. Arielle Denovo was created to be a nonpartisan and credible messenger of the America 2.0 agenda for an American reformation.
A2A was developed as the cinematic launch device for Arielle Denovo to deliver 1) a hard reality check on the very serious problems that all Americans and humans face together and 2) download the compelling agenda for an American reformation that would end the partisan and geopolitical madness t avoid the impending calamities and unleash a new era of common sense unity and prosperity that would benefit everyone.
The A2A screenplay is available to read if you reply to: Don@RenaissanceStudio.org with a desire to read the A2A script and consider joining the cause of converting its world changing vision into a sensational reality that earns YOU extreme wealth and historic accolades.
The first 90% of the A2A script is the most exciting and terrifyingly plausible geopolitical thriller ever conceived + an awe inspiring display of artistry in all major dimensions at the highest levels. This strong entertainment profile is necessary to attract large American and global audiences to experience the reality check and the America 2.0 agenda that are revealed in the final 10% of the film.
The major calamities are rapidly unfolding so time is of the essence to avoid them. EVERYONE is counting on YOU to take this message seriously.
Imagine a new reality where hyper partisan madness and geopolitical insanity are relegated to the dust bin of history and humanity is united in common cause to optimize the prosperity of everyone.
YOU likely possess the network and/or the means to make the America 2.0 vision a reality if you will answer this call to your much greater destiny.
Reforming our Failing Political Status Quo
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
It could not be more self evident that our failing political system is causing all Americans to suffer under the tyranny of the corrupt and self serving partisan political, media and wealthy elites who wantonly divide, deceive and exploit the good faith of all Americans while they buy and sell political outcomes to their power and financial advantage at the expense of everyone else.
As a direct result of the duplicity of the corrupt elites, America is 1) deeply divided 2) far underachieving it social, economic and prosperity potential and 3) on a fast track to self destructive calamities in all major dimensions that will adversely affect everyone. (See the list above).
America 2.0 offers a compelling agenda to alter our corrupt political system to end the partisan and geopolitical madness to avoid the impending calamities and unleash a new era of common sense unity and prosperity that will benefit everyone. The America 2.0 agenda articulates detailed reforms in all major dimensions that will resolve all the major issues that all Americans face together and free us all to reach our full life and prosperity potential.
The screenplay for "America 2.0: Artistry" reveals the details and is available to read for anyone who send me a good faith request for the script.
America's founding fathers demonstrated the great things that Americans can achieve when they set aside their petty differences to embrace common sense to join in common cause to lead and govern for the common good. They chose to risk EVERYTHING to rise and forcefully challenge the corruption of their self serving elites and reform their failing status quo to create the many blessings that all modern Americans take for granted.
The modern elites in America are at least as corrupt and self serving as the ones who exploited and oppressed the Americans of 1776. Our founding fathers set the example of how to alter the political and governing systems to end the self serving corruption of the elites. They created Article 5 of the Constitution as a peaceful means to alter a failing political system.
The moment has arrived to follow their example. The America 2.0 agenda is the device to free all Americans from the tyranny of the elites to reach their full "safety and happiness" and prosperity potential.
In truth, actual constitutional amendments would likely not be needed. All that is likely required to unleash a common sense American reformation is to 1) disseminate the America 2.0 agenda into the minds of huge numbers of Americans and 2) hopefully inspire them to rise and demand an end to the scourge of the pernicious and divisive partisanship that enables the corrupt political, media and wealthy elites to perpetuate their destructive tyrannies on Americans.
"America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") has been created to use entertaining cinema as the medium to upload the America 2.0 agenda into the consciousness of hundreds of millions of Americans who are eager to move beyond the divisive tyrannies of the inept and corrupt political, media and wealthy elites to maximize their full life, career, prosperity and happiness potential.
Imagine waking up one day in a new reality where 1) all the corrupt and loathsome political partisans and duplicitous media talking heads have been relegated in shame to the dustbin of history and 2) America and all humanity are joined in common cause to employ common sense to achieve the common good.
No, this is not hopeless idealism, it is common sense in the self interest of everyone.
"America 2.0" is not a partisan political device. It a common sense agenda for an American and global reformation that will end the partisan and geopolitical madness to unleash a new era of unity and prosperity that will benefit everyone.
Renaissance Studio, Ltd.