Resonance Scoring - The Process Of Optimizing Resonance & Success

The volume, intensity and diversity of compelling resonance elements that match adult consumer preferences is the vital key to filmmaking success. Therefore, it is critical to develop metrics that effectively measure the total resonance value of all screenplays that are under consideration. Almost all the evidence in the theaters and on the streamers indicates that the motion picture industry almost completely ignores resonance measurement and/or apply metrics that DO NOT correctly measure it.     

The first draft of every RSL screenplay is scored on a huge grid that includes all the 36 primary resonance elements above on the horizontal axis and all the scenes of the script on the vertical axis.

Each scene is then numerically scored and color coded for intensity in each dimension of resonance in each scene through the entire screenplay.

The grid then totals the scores for each scene and each resonance element in the whole screenplay.

This comprehensive process highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each resonance dimension throughout the script. It also reveals opportunities to enhance resonance elements in future drafts of the script. Every new draft of the script is then scored again to assess the resonance value of the changes and enhancements.

This exhaustive evaluation process can be conducted on any screenplay to reveal its strengths, weaknesses and diversity of resonance elements and then compared to any other script that has been objectively scored by the same person.

Rigorous application of this process will largely eliminate the 85%+ of movie concepts that get produced but fail to inspire adult audiences or recover their production, marketing and other costs.

Over 95% of movies that reach theaters or the streamers would not meet the RSL "Greenlight" standards after application of the RSL resonance scoring process. This process also forces expansion of the project scope to achieve high enough total resonance scoring to reach the RSL "Greenlight" standards.

Visionary Screenwriting

Effective resonance scoring is a way to avoid making movies that fail. However, it is one process to measure resonance results and a very different one to create unique and compelling movie concepts, content, scenarios and characters that will achieve strong resonance scores and cinematic success. Successful filmmaking also requires the application of visionary screenwriting methodologies to create films that will consistently succeed.

RSL has developed these effective screenwriting techniques that have been employed in all the 16 RSL screenplays. However, application of these techniques is a creative process that requires advanced screenwriting skills + the skillful incorporation of a huge diversity and intensity of resonance elements into a cohesive story and character progressions that result in a great movie.    

The application of resonance scoring to each draft of the scripts challenges the screenwriter to develop many ways to increase the scope and include more diversity and intensity of resonance elements in all dimensions to optimize its cinematic and financial success.

If you invest 2 hours to read the screenplay for "America 2.0: Artistry" ("A2A") , all your doubts about these assertions will dissolve into enthusiasm.

A2A is your very real chance to earn extreme wealth and accolades by 1) helping to produce the most consequential and diversely entertaining motion picture ever conceived, 2) produce its 4 awe inspiring sequels and 3) launch the other 9 RSL film franchises that compare very favorably to anything in theaters or on the streamers to 4) create a $5+ billion IPO windfall in year 5.

This superior film franchise inventory represent a highly plausible opportunity to follow the Netflix path from $3 billion in market cap in 2012 to above $250 billion in early 2021.

Movie Industry Dysfunction = Opportunity

The huge disconnect between movie product features and adult viewing preferences is an enormous wealth exploitation opportunity for anyone who can create films that most adults want to see.

The 2019 Motion Picture Association (“MPA”) “Theme Report” revealed that the average adult saw only 3 of the 835 films that were released into cinemas USA/Canada in 2019. 

This data is stunning evidence of the epic failure of the content writing, evaluation, business and development practices of the motion picture industry.

RSL was created to exploit this extreme dysfunction to deliver strong returns on investment to global adult audiences and prescient capital partners.

Why does this massive content disconnect persist?

Flawed Group Think On Film Content Sources

EVERYONE in the motion picture industry excludes content from “unsolicited sources” regardless of its merit. Instead, they all aggressively compete with each other to acquire content from the same depleted agency sources that result in films that fail to inspire adult audiences over 90% of the time. 

The global demand for motion pictures is much stronger than the global supply of quality film concepts. So this blind reliance on "known sources" creates an artificial shortage of content that causes huge volumes of awful films to be produced.

Concept Scope

90%+ of movies become cinematic and financial failures because the concept, content and thematic scope of most films is too small and/or not unique enough to attract large global adult audiences. Hollywood produces huge volumes of small/dull/shallow/ gratuitous/repetitive films that very few adults want to see.

Flawed Metrics & Methodologies 

The move industry systematically ignores adult viewer preferences to focus on the source and technical elements of screenplays rather than on the ability of the concept, content and characters to attract large global adult audiences.

Over 85% of movies fail to recover their production, marketing and other costs because they do not include a diversity of compelling resonance elements that skillfully match the attraction receptors in the adult male and female psyches.

Movie Industry Reality Check 

Contrary to prevailing “Hollywood” cult like mythology, the methodologies to consistently create compelling movie concepts, content and characters represent over 85% of the success factors of filmmaking and investment.

Content origination in “Hollywood" is an incestuous and closed system where even the best ideas get lost in the exclusionary legal and cultural imperatives of the industry. The typical result of this obsolete and ineffectual process is shallow, stale, formulaic and uninspiring content with limited resonance elements beyond gratuitous/repetitive action, violence, sexuality, depravity, horror, sci-fi, super heroes, animation, crude humor, narrow focused indies and computer generated effects that dominate modern cinema.

Hollywood culture "wildly" undervalues the concept, content, scope, characters and resonance attributes of movie screenplays. They do this because they believe "A List" talent attachments, CGI, advertising and global distribution networks are the keys to filmmaking success despite all the evidence to the contrary.

In truth, there are hundreds of people who can convert a strong script into a great film but very few people can create a great screenplay and no one can convert poor concepts, content and characters in to a great movie that achieves cinematic and financial success. 

In truth, the writing, sourcing and development of unique and compelling story concepts, characters and content that consistently match the viewing preferences of broad spectrum international demographics is the greatest challenge of successful filmmaking and investment. Therefore, mastery of effective concept evaluation metrics and content creation methodologies is the core of the RSL value proposition.

The RSL Advantage 

Rather than relying on depleted industry sources of content that systematically ignore adult viewing preferences, RSL has developed and employed effective concept/content evaluation metrics and screenwriting methodologies that skillfully match a diversity of compelling resonance elements with the viewing preferences of global adults to insure strong global market acceptance and profitability on all RSL films. 

Hollywood "experts" will dismiss these effective methodologies because they do not match the failed industry "group think" "coverage" techniques that resulted in the average adult seeing only 3 of the 835 films that were released into theaters in USA/Canada in 2019.

Their traditional concept/content evaluation metrics and screenwriting methodologies are obviously epic failures but their blind fealty to flawed industry "group think" on content is much stronger than their desire to make great movies that are cinematically and financially successful.

Yes, this is collective madness that ignores logic, reason and common sense but it is the very strange reality of Hollywood. You have to look no further than theaters and the streamers to see validation of these assertions in the form of 1000s of unwatchable films. 

Resonance Elements = The Vital Keys to Movie Success

Rather relying on depleted industry sources of uninspiring content, RSL has employed its effective concept/content evaluation metrics and screenwriting methodologies to write and develop an initial inventory of 16 sensational feature screenplays that are designed to launch up to 10 exciting film franchise scenarios that will compare very favorably to everything in theaters and on the streamers.

These visionary scripts ignore Hollywood "coverage" "group think" to skillfully target the viewing preferences of up to 70% of adults rather than the less than 10% that are the focus of almost all motion pictures.

To insure consistently strong global market acceptance and profitability, every scene in all 16 RSL screenplays has been exhaustively reviewed, optimized and scored in the 36 major dimensions of resonance below:

          Advanced Metrics & Methodologies

          +  Effective concept/content evaluation metrics

              +  Audience focused screenwriting methodologies

​              +  Intensive resonance element focus and scoring 

​              =  Consistently great movies & financial success

  Uniqueness   Action  Venue   Adventure  Violence  Hostility 
Suspense Romance Fear Spirituality ArtistryAthletic
Jeopardy Conflict Love Humor Revealing  Empathy 
Adversity Courage  Drama  IntellectualPoignancyAudio
Awe InspiringVisceralTerror Sensual/Sexual EmotionalVisual
Martial Arts DepravityHorrorAnguishIntimacyCGI

36 Major Dimensions of Resonance